
Showing posts from January 23, 2012


- ---------------------------------------- YF : I'm talking to the moon.


ASSALAMUALAIKUM Entri kali ini sekadar ingin memberitahu bahawa aku telah berjaya membuang sesuatu yang telah aku simpan sedari dulu lagi. Apa ya? Hehehe! My first blog ever. I deleted it before I went somewhere last two weeks. Why I did it? The entries that I had post made me to do so. Dalam entri-entri tersebut, semuanya berkaitan dengan seseorang. Sepatutnya, aku tidak perlu bercerita mengenainya lagi. Past is past. No need to bring it up again. I'm really sorry for what I've done. I really do.   I know, it doesn't matter anymore for him. Aku rasa macam memalukan diri sendiri bila cerita benda yang dah lepas kat public . And, that is my personal opinion. Don't bother at all.  You, I want the best for you. I think you already found it. I'm really happy for you. Now, I feel so relief because I think I've done the right thing that I should do for the past 2 years. You know what? I delete it without read the entries first. Hmm. Even it was hard, but I had to ...